Application Process
Explore: Take the time to explore our website and learn about our school’s mission, values, and educational programs.
Submit an Application: The application process begins with the submission of the appropriate application form for your child. The application form may be downloaded from our website and submitted by mail, or may be completed online through our secure portal. Families need to submit all required enrollment forms and fees with the application form. This can include providing medical records, emergency contact information, family status, report cards, student assessments, and other relevant documents.
Application Review: Once we receive your application, we will review all submitted materials including academic records, the application form itself, and then an interview with the principal will be arranged.
Notification: After completing the admissions review process, we will notify families of admission decisions in person, by email, or by mail. Once a student has been accepted, families will receive instructions on how to complete the enrollment process, including submitting any required enrollment forms, tuition agreements, and deposits, and they will be given information regarding uniforms and school supplies.