Snow Day! Monday Feb. 6, 2017
No school tomorrow, Monday February 6, 2017
School has been cancelled for tomorrow, Monday, February 6, due to the projected snowfall overnight and during the day tomorrow. Enjoy your snow day!
Welcome back; Drop of and Pick up Reminders; Daily Health Screening View Sept. 11, 2020 TLA News (PDF) Dear TLA Parents, Welcome back, everyone; how good it is to see our students old and new return to school this week. Pick Up & Drop Off Reminders As announced in our recent email notice, students may…
Walk-a-thon; PPP meeting; Kayak trip; Pro-D day View Oct 4, 2016 Newsletter (PDF) PARENT MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 7:00 PM A brief Parent Participation Program meeting is scheduled for tomorrow evening, which will be followed by an important talk by Dr. Marcel Hediger, who brings pressing updates to our school community about the serious threat…
Relive the great times at TLA! Link to YouTube video
Enrolment We look forward to increasing enrolment for the coming year, with an anticipated twenty-five new students to date for September. Families are encouraged to spread the word about TLA to foster even greater enrolment. Covid-19 Update All Ministry-mandated daily reporting of staff absences due to illness has now stopped. We are pleased that no…
Lease renewed; Summer Camp; Tuition Packages; Calendar Update View Apr. 30, 2021 TLA News (PDF) TLA Lease Renewed! As recently announced, we are set to return to school in September so we look forward to welcoming our school community back into our hallowed halls. Our novena to St. Joseph continues in thanksgiving for his intercession…
RCMP Community Policing Visit; COVID-19 Protocols; House Teams; Privacy Concern View Sept. 22, 2020 TLA News (PDF) RCMP Community Policing Visit Our local RCMP will be monitoring the streets surrounding the school in the coming weeks to ensure that speed limits are observed, student drop-off is in appropriate locations, pedestrians are crossing the streets at…