Newsletter: February 17, 2015
Lenten Retreat and School Mass, Pauline Books, Pro Life Month, Skiing
View February_17_2015 Newsletter (PDF)
You are warmly invited to come to the Pauline Book and Media Fair that will be held in our Activity
Room on Monday, February 23, at 2:15 PM. There will be an extensive selection of Catholic Bibles,
books, music CDs and DVD movies for all ages. Please stop by and show your support for the Sisters
who this year celebrate their hundredth anniversary of evangelization with the media of communication.
Information about the life and mission of the Daughters of St. Paul/Pauline Books and Media can be
found at Students will be given the opportunity to go through the books in the
afternoon, and should bring money if they would like to add to their Catholic home library!

Students K – 12 will take part in our annual lenten retreat tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, involving
reflection, Mass, and activities which bring a deeper understanding of Lent and the Feast of Easter.
Mass will be offered by Fr. Anthony Uy, FSSP, at Our Lady of Lourdes, at 10:45 AM. Families and
friends are welcome to attend.
Pro Life Month Activities Finalized Report: Our Pro Life month stretched a little into the new year, but
covered a variety of activities and fund raisers for the cause of Life. Students heard talks at school
about Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fr. Tran visited and spoke to the students, etc. But our TLA Pro Life
Activities are not limited to Pro Life Month! During the year we organize the Birthright Mass and provide
its choir, servers and lectors. Students raise funds to support the building of a school in Azul, Argentina,
and high school students and staff attend the annual March for Life in Victoria. Class by class results:
- Kindergarten Collecting food for the poor – St. Cyril and Methodius Parish Food Bank
- Grade 1 Pro Life Christmas Cards (School Total $312.50) Loonie/Toonie Collection
for Birthright ($50) - Grade 2 Money in Baby bottles ($260.89 school total), and food hamper collection
- Grade 3 food for the poor – 170 lbs of food delivered to the Share Society in Port
Moody - Grade 4 & 5 Precious Hands and Feet Pin Sale & making posters (Total: $440.65)
- Grade 8 & 9 Lasagna Lunch & Bake Sale – January 28th (Total $500.00)
- Grade 10 Door is Open – Christmas Cards (part of $312.50)
- Grade 11 Door is Open & Baby Bottles ($260.89 school total)
- Grade 12 Door is Open & Baby Bottles ($260.89 school total)
Nearly forty TLA students in grades five to twelve, with three teachers and one parent supervisor will be
travelling to this premier ski and snowboard destination for a day on the slopes. We will depart TLA at
6:45 AM and return by 6:00 PM. Non participating students will have school as usual that day.